Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's a little crowded around here...

It's official, I turned in my nomination papers yesterday. I am running for the Kenosha Aldermanic District #5 seat.

Kenosha News

It is really exciting to see a record number of people running for aldermanic seats in Kenosha. There are 17 aldermen in Kenosha. In 2006 only 5 of those seats were contested. This year, 15 seats will be contested. 4 of the races will be running primaries. I will be one of those running in a primary.

There is probably a reason for a record number of people running for mayor of Kenosha and it's 17 aldermanic seats. The most obvious reason is that Kenosha is looking for change. We have had the same mayor for 16 years and many of the city's alderman have been serving on the city council for a very long time.

For many years, Kenosha has had the same government in place.

Clearly, Kenosha is looking for a change. The same ol' same ol' just is not good enough.

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