Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

I am home safe and sound after spending the night at a friend's house out in the county.

I had a blast last night, but as we drove home after midnight, I was concerned about the condition of the roads. It seemed silly to hop in my car and travel 25 to 30 miles when the wind was whipping the snow all over. So I crashed on the couch.

We got way more snow than they predicted last night. Originally, we were told that we would only get flurries. That changed yesterday afternoon to about 1 to 2 inches.

Well, out in the county, they had to have gotten at least 5 to 6 inches and the wind was whipping that stuff around. In the city, it appears we only got maybe 3 to 4 inches.

The timing of this was just really bad. The snow was coming down pretty good by 6pm, when most folks are traveling to their party destinations.

Still in traveling home this morning, the road conditions out in the county were way better than the road conditions here in Kenosha.

That is disappointing. The two snow plows in Silver Lake were doing a much better job with the roads than the dozens of plows we have in Kenosha.

Still, all in all, I am so glad I traveled out the the county to join some friends in the New Year celebration.

Happy New Year to each one of you. May you have a joyous and wonderful year.

My evaluations on 2007 and the promise of better things to come in 2008 will be out shortly.

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