Monday, January 14, 2008

Are there any voices left in Wisconsin?

Late Saturday afternoon, the state of Wisconsin was rocking. The Packers were headed to the NFC Championship game.

By early Sunday afternoon, the state had turned simply giddy.

Hannah Montana was in town.

Actually, giddy is probably not the proper word for it, but I cannot think of any way to describe it. Watching the news last night and seeing the thousands of little girls bouncing up and down was fun. You know they were bouncing up and down for hours and hours yesterday.

My 7 year old niece is a Hannah Montana fan and she turns simply goofy at the mere mention of Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana.

In honor of my niece, I will post this photo of Hannah Montana-

Then just to top off the weekend in Wisconsin, the Cowboys lost. Sending the road to the Super Bowl back thru Green Bay Wisconsin.

This, of course, sent the parents of the Hannah Montana fans right over the edge.

Most of the state of Wisconsin is hoarse from all of the cheering today.

Yes indeed, it was a great weekend for all of Wisconsin- adults and children alike!

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