Thursday, November 01, 2007

Some honesty and common sense about MPS

It is time for a little honesty and some common sense when it comes to Milwaukee Public Schools.

Today, the MJS, is blaming the cut in state aid to Milwaukee Public Schools as the reason for the tax increases.

Normally that would make sense, but not this time.

As the article points out, there is a reason for the cuts in state aid to Milwaukee Public Schools.

Rising property values means that they are collecting more money from the average taxpayer. MPS is collecting more and more money each year from the average taxpayer.

Declining enrollment is another reason that state aid has been cut to MPS. Fewer students to educate means there should be less spending needed.

Knowing this, it only makes sense to the average Wisconsinite, that fewer state aid dollars are needed in Milwaukee.

Even with the cuts in state aid- why the need for a 21.2% tax increase on the Milwaukee residents? There are fewer students to educate and there is more money in property taxes coming in.

Also, if there was a $19.2 million cut in state aid to MPS, why is there a property tax increase of $47 million? Last year, Milwaukee taxpayers paid $221.2 million to MPS. This year, MPS wants to charge $268.2 million. That is a massive $27.8 million tax increase.

Folks, it is time for some honesty and a little common sense from MPS and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

It just does not add up. To the average person, declining enrollment and rising property values does not add up to a massive $47 million tax increase.

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