Monday, November 05, 2007

It has been an exciting Monday

All kinds of fun stuff happened while I was at work today-

As it turns out, the robo calls into West Bend about the school referendum, was not a violation of the law, after all.

A national group advocating lower government spending did not violate state election laws when it sponsored computer-generated telephone calls to West Bend school district residents regarding a proposed $119.3 million school referendum, Washington County District Attorney Todd Martens said today.

At least this info came out before the election tomorrow. What is up with that "dangerously close" comment from the DA? Either it was a violation of the law or it was not.

Carry on, AFP.

Raise taxes? Of course they did, they are liberals-

The Milwaukee County Board today adopted a $1.34 billion 2008 budget that raises taxes by 3.8% next year, restoring some $9 million of cuts proposed by County Executive Scott Walker to parks, bus service and treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.

Read the rest: What is heaven's name is a "social safety net"? Is it really possible to create a social safety net where no one ever gets hurt?

Uh, oh- this is not good for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-

Circulation of the Sunday edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel slipped 2.6% from a year ago, while daily circulation dropped 4.4%, a report released today shows.

Apparently, the problem is running rampant through-out the US.

Click here for the article.

Click here for a list of the top 25 newspapers.

Have a great night everyone!

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