Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Waiting for the state collapse

If you believe Governor Doyle, the entire state will collapse because the Democrats did not get their tax increases-

"The cost to operate school buses, pay heating bills and maintain roads has gone up, and lawmakers refuse to deal with it," Doyle said. "The state is spending more than we are taking in, and we will be unable to fund essential services that protect the health and safety of our citizens."

Now that is interesting- the state is spending more than it is taking in. If this is truly the case, why does the government keep spending so much.

If this is truly the case, that means the state was spending more last week, last month and last year.

Of course, when Republicans claim we are spending too much and make an attempt to cut spending- the Democrats come unhinged. The Governor begins running all over the state telling senior citizens that Republicans are trying to take their Medicaid away from them. He tells firefighters and school teachers that Republicans are trying to take their jobs. On and on.

Since the governor has finally woken up to realize that the state is spending more than it is taking in, here is a piece of advice-

Stop spending more than you are taking in.

No- that does not mean you increase taxes, so you can increase spending- you cut spending!

The Governor and the Democrats have some hard choices to make over the next several weeks. They need to decide where they plan on cutting spending in order to live off of the money they already overtax. We are one of the highest taxed states in the nation- there is plenty of money to meet the needs of the state of Wisconsin.

So Democrats, since you cannot get your increases, where do you plan on cutting spending in order to keep the entire state from collapsing under the weight of overspending?

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