Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Kenosha's Chrysler engine plant shut down

Chrysler is on strike.

This has shut down Kenosha’s engine plant.

According to the AP, the difference between Chrysler and GM is that Chrysler management is not under the time crunch that GM was under.

A short strike likely will have little effect on the automaker, which had a 71-day supply of cars and trucks on dealer lots at the end of August, according to Ward’s AutoInfoBank. A walkout longer than a month would start to cut into sales, said Paul Taylor, chief economist with the National Automobile Dealers Association.

I sure hope these guys are not on strike for very long.

Hopefully both sides are working towards a quick resolution.

Kenosha becomes a very depressing town to live in when Chrysler is on strike. It is like everyone is in a bad mood.

As I said, I hope it does not last long.

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