Thursday, October 11, 2007

Budget: The worst move the Governor could make

If you think this special session on the budget is going to move along quickly and a new budget will be in place soon, think again.

The Governor's special session, just exposed the budget to the entire legislative floor. Everyone gets a say now. Every single legislators gets to fight for their own community's issues. Imagine the amendments- "My constituents need a new community center" or whatever.

I think it is kind of funny, that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's editorial board is actually encouraging this-

Assembly and Senate leaders should free their respective caucuses to vote what they view as their constituents' best interests.

Funnier yet, the MJS editors are already lobbying for more money to go to Milwaukee-

That would be a budget that allows for progress on health care, education and poverty in particular, keeping in mind that elements in the governor's so-called Milwaukee initiative are pegged to the certain maxim that what helps Milwaukee, ailing on too many fronts, helps the state.

Yeah- this budget is going to take a while.

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