Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The budget passed

Since I tend to focus more on the positive than the negative in most situations, I am going to hold off commenting on the 23 Republicans that voted for this budget.

Instead, I want to comment about Wisconsin's first congressional district Republicans. Every single state representative and state senator in the first district voted against this budget.

Thank you, Rep. Kerkman, Rep. Vos, Rep. Stone, Rep. Honadel, Rep. Gunderson, Rep. Gundrum, Rep. Lothian, Rep. Nass, Senator Kedzie and Senator Lazich.

Last year alone, the two largest counties in the first district, Racine and Kenosha, received the largest tax increases in the state. Racine's taxes went up by 8.1% and Kenosha's went up 6.8%.

Our representatives and senators recognized this and fought hard to stop Governor Doyle and the Democrats.

Thank you, thank you.

To my own duly elected representatives, Democrats Rep. Jim Kreuser and Senator Bob Wirch- are you listening to your constituents? Are you paying attention at all? Obviously not or you would have noticed that the taxpayers have had enough.

A friend told me tonight, that this is only phase one in the Democrat's plan to raise our taxes.

The war rages on with the KRM, Healthy Wisconsin, hospital taxes, gas taxes, attacks on senior citizens and their beds, and on and on.

Just because the Dems did not get these increases this time, does not mean that they will not use any single method, illegal, immoral or unethical, to try and get the money from taxpayers they believe they deserve.

The war does rages on and I plan on being a thorn in the side of my own elected officials, Rep. Kreuser and Senator Wirch. You will be hearing from me and I am in a foul mood.

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