Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not quite as unlateral as they thought

Sometimes it is just a single word that shows the bias the media clings to.

That single word for The Capital Times is "unilaterally". This is a news story, not an opinion piece.

The two sides were set to meet for talks again today, but the Assembly is also scheduled to unilaterally approve on Tuesday its own stopgap plan to fund schools and to restore property tax limits that expired earlier this year. Both Doyle, a Democrat, and Senate Democrats have said they will not support anything short of a complete budget deal.

Definition: unilateral

Performed or undertaken by only one side: unilateral disarmament.

The final vote was not as "unilateral" as The Capital Times had hoped. 20 Democrats joined the Republicans in this "not so unilateral" vote and passed the school budget.

70-27 was the final vote. Not exactly coming from one side only.

Maybe these Assembly Democrats can put a little pressure on their friends in the Senate to fully fund schools now.

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