Friday, August 31, 2007

Why waste taxpayer dollars?

Personally, I do not care if the Governor wants to take a trip to China.

A Republican legislative leader put Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle in the middle of the legislative impasse over the stalled state budget Thursday, saying Doyle should cancel his trade mission to China so he can devote those 12 days to budget talks.

I started to giggle when I read my own representative's reaction to the the call for Doyle to stay in Wisconsin:

Democrats on the committee said there was no need for Doyle to cancel his trip.

"You know, they have Internet in China," said Assembly Minority Leader Jim Kreuser (D-Kenosha). "They have telephones. (Doyle has) got staff here with hard delegation authority."

Rep. Krueser is correct, China does have the internet and telephones, but...

If that is the case, Why take the trip in the first place?

Considering the huge deficit this state is running, can't the Governor just email or call China, instead of wasting thousands of our tax dollars?

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