Sunday, July 08, 2007

The tail of two headlines

Essentially, both stories are talking about the same issue.

Front page of today's Kenosha News-

Assembly budget would cut spending and reject tax increases

From the front page of today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-

Assembly aims to limit taxes, as well as school funds

We call this liberal bias from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

By the way, a little bird has told me that the spending for Wisconsin schools will not be limited as much as this article implies.

Spending for schools are going up under the Assembly Republicans budget, by quite a bit.

Will spending for schools in this budget go up by-

$100 million? Nope- it is supposedly higher

$200 million? Nope- it is supposedly higher

$300 million? Nope- it is supposedly higher

$400 million? Nope- it is supposedly higher

$500 million? Not quite this high

All of that without increasing taxes.

Good job, Assembly Republicans! You have proved that it can be done.

You had to have really cut some spending in order to pour close to $500 million more dollars into our schools.

We will see the details of the budget over the next several days.

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