Sunday, July 01, 2007

Democrats and their ultimate power grab

Health care.

The state Senate Democrats have done it. This is their ultimate power grab.

There is no higher grab for power that this. The Democrats want control over your life.

When it comes to health care- lives are at stake. Real living, breathing human lives are at stake.

Think about this for a moment. Each and every single person in the state of Wisconsin will be forced to put their very lives on the line and hand that power over to the state government.

The government will decide whether or not you receive the care you deem necessary. You give up your own medical decisions and hand the decision making process over to the government.

You no longer have control over decisions made with your doctors, nurses and other medical staff, because these folks no longer work for the patient, ultimately these medical personel work for the government. If doctors and nurses want to get paid- they do what they are told by the government.

What is so stunning about this power grab is how many Democrats are going along with this plan. They are the party that embraces abortion. They claim that no one has the power to tell a women what she should do with her very own body.

Why then, are these Democrats so willing to hand over every single medical procedure to the government and let them decide what is right for their bodies?

I know the Democrats are making the claim that they are just looking out for us. They really have our own best interests at heart.


They want the power!

If you look at the rest of this budget, you can clearly see that the Democrats are determined to take more and more of our hard earned money. Now they want us to believe that ultimately they are trying to save us money by taking over our health care?

The question that every single Wisconsinite has to ask themselves- Are you willing to hand over your life and place it in the hands of our state government?

I can answer that question for myself- Under no circumstances am I willing to do this. Not for a Republican, not for a Democrat, not anyone!

We can talk about the money aspect of this, and I will discuss it further, but the problem is bigger than money- this is about power. This is about your life.

Are you willing to place you life in the hands of the government?

The Senate Democrats have already voted to give themselves the ulitmate power over the lives of Wisconsinites.

The good news is for those of us that want to keep control over our own lives, is that some of the power hungry, money grabbing Democrats are up for reelection next year.

I am more fired up than ever to remove these Democrats from power.

Yes, Senator Bob Wirch, I am talking about you.

Thank you Governor Doyle, Senator Wirch and all the rest of the Democrats for pulling the Republican party together and giving them a reason to fight!


Erik Opsal said...

"You no longer have control over decisions made with your doctors, nurses and other medical staff, because these folks no longer work for the patient, ultimately these medical personel work for the government."

Doctors long ago stopped working for the patients and started working for the insurance companies. The less coverage people get, the more money in their pockets.

Mpeterson said...

Wait a sec...

It's not a power grab when the majority of Wisconsinites disagree with you. It's democracy.

But take a deep breath. The problem, as your other commentator clearly pointed out, is that doctors are NOT working for the patients OR the government.

They work for the insurance companies and the gigantic "health provider" corporations. Do you believe that they'll be more interested in your well-being than in making money?? Do you actually trust the insurance companies MORE than people you get to elect?

I'm serious. Is this what you believe?


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