Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bush admin only fired eight

H/T- Jessica McBride

Where is the congressional investigation?

Why is Governor Doyle given a pass for the firing of 15 prosecutors?

Today- the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel blames the legislators, Jessica McBride points out the truth.

District attorneys from Waukesha, Racine and four other counties plan to ask the state Supreme Court today to halt the Doyle administration's plans to fire 15 prosecutors from 12 counties effective Sunday.

The lawsuit will ask the state's highest court to temporarily stay the layoffs ordered by the state Department of Administration and to decide whether the Doyle administration has the authority to eliminate jobs created by the Legislature.

As this article from 2003 points out- there may have been other ways to keep the prosecutors from being cut-

"Unlike the elected district attorneys, we made every attempt to try and prevent these cuts from ever occurring in the first place. We told the governor that there were ways to make up the shortfall without cutting personnel. But he felt that cutting bodies was more important.

So, were the firings politically motivated? Who hired these folks? Who fired these folks?

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