Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wasting more taxpayer money

From today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-

The Racine Unified School District, which already has paid a private consulting firm more than $620,000 for finding savings that don't yet exist, will pay the firm nearly $700,000 more over the next five years, district documents show.

Smartest suggestion I have heard yet-

Jim Morrison, president of the Racine Taxpayers Association, said Tuesday that his organization will send e-mails to the Internal Revenue Service and the state Justice Department in support of Lucas' request for an investigation into the firm's relationship with the Racine district.

Morrison also said he will ask Racine Unified School Board members "to commit themselves wholeheartedly to getting this situation investigated fully."

The taxpayers group has asked the board to delay actions relating to the renewal of Hicks' contract until an inquiry into the firm is completed. The School Board had planned to vote on the contract this month.


jeff said...

The RUSD will have the money. There is going to be a June referendum to allow the District to exceed the legally allowed spending limit by over $6 million the next two fiscal years. It is not being promoted loudly one way or the other, and my request as LULAC President for more information on the referendum details is being ignored by the Superintendent.

Caledonia Unplugged said...

Jeff - as a Racine resident, gotta tell you, I think that referendum is going down in flames. People here are hot, and some are talking recall if Hicks' contract is extended! And the telephone promo (thinly veiled as a survey) of the referendum has begun by an independent group.

And one suggestion, don't hold your breath waiting for a records request from Hicks! ;^)

BTW, Caledonia officials will be meeting in June to discuss a "scope of services" for a feasibility study to start an independent district.

jeff said...

I sometimes think that the only thing worse than living in the KUSD is living in the RUSD.

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