Monday, May 07, 2007

Violence at Milwaukee Public Schools

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is running a 4 part series on violence in the Milwaukee Public Schools.

So far, part 1 and part 2 are out-

MPS violence intensifying

Behind knockout of principal lies a sad tale

So far, from what I can see- we have only seen excuses being made, with very few solutions offered up.

The problem at Wisconsin's public schools is massive and getting larger every single day.

Dozens of teachers, administrators and staff are getting attacked. In the first semester of this school year alone, at least 127 MPS employees reported being physically assaulted by students or outsiders coming to campus.

Far more Milwaukee students were expelled for bringing firearms to school last year than in all of the Chicago Public Schools, a district more than four times the size of MPS. In Chicago, unlike Milwaukee, high school students walk through weapons scanners every day, and handguns have virtually disappeared from the schools.

The problems are getting worse and worse. We know that. Where are the solutions?

Where is leadership?

Where is Governor Jim Doyle?

Where is WEAC?

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