Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Troha watch

All kinds of new and exciting things happening on the Troha watch. I do not have time to expound at the moment, but here are some highlights:

Congressman Paul Ryan is donating every penny he has ever received from Troha and company to charity-


The Menominee Nation received a letter from the federal government which is not very favorable to a off reservation casino in Kenosha-


The tribe seeking to build a Kenosha casino has received notice from the federal government that the project is in jeopardy. In a letter to the Menominee Nation, a top Interior Department official told tribal leaders that Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne opposes off-reservation casinos, a Bureau of Indian Affairs offi cial said Monday. Specifi cally, Kempthorne is characterized in the letter as having serious misgiving about the Kenosha venture, according to the BIA offi cial.

Also- there is a front page article in today's Kenosha News showing the favors between DOT and Dennis Troha. I blogged on this issue on Sunday-

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