Friday, March 02, 2007

Troha indictment and the political fallout.

Try as he might, Governor Doyle and his political bedfellows will not be able to rid themselves of the stench surrounding the Troha indictment.

It should be noted that the many media and democratic pundits are attempting to muddy the water surrounding the Troha indictment. They figure if they can dirty the water around the Governor Doyle, then things will not look so bad for the governor.

One of the first defenses for Governor Doyle, when it comes to this mess, is that Congressman Paul Ryan and the RNC also received contributions from Troha.

Unfortunately, these defenses for Governor Doyle will not fly for two major reasons.

The first reason is that donating to campaigns is not illegal. It is perfectly legal for Dennis Troha to donate to any candidate he chooses. However there are campaign limits.

Not all of Dennis Troha’s campaign contributions were illegal.

The indictment very specifically names the “Doyle for Wisconsin” campaign as the campaign that received the illegal donations.

No where in this indictment is “Ryan for Congress” or anyone else’s campaign specifically mentioned as recipients of illegal campaign donations.

The indictment against Dennis Troha even gives the impression that their might have been some complicity between the Doyle campaign and Dennis Troha.

The indictment reads:

Prior to June 2005, Dennis M. Troha was a supporter of the “Doyle for Wisconsin” campaign. Troha provided advice to the campaign, organized a fund raiser, and contributed the maximum of $10,000.

In June of 2005, an official of the “Doyle for Wisconsin” campaign asked Dennis M. Troha to help raise additional campaign funds by the end of the month. The official identified June 30, 2005, as a significant date for the public disclosure of campaign finances.

On or about June 29, 2005, the checks were picked up by the “Doyle for Wisconsin” campaign official at the offices of Dennis M Troha.

As you can clearly see, the Governor’s campaign fingerprints are all over this indictment.

Another reason why dirtying the water will not work, is because only one man has the final discretionary power to give Kenosha it’s casino. That man is Governor Jim Doyle. This is also mentioned in the indictment.

Just a few short months ago, the Governor vetoed legislation that would have brought the state legislatures into the process of approving casinos.

As it stands now, the Governor makes the final decision on the Kenosha casino.

Dennis Troha needed the Governor’s loyalty above anybody else’s in order to get his casino.

Governor Doyle, his political buddies and the media can spin this over and over again, but the facts will not change.

However, the political stench surrounding Governor Jim Doyle and his campaign donors continues to grow and grow.

So let the Governor, the political pundits and the media continue to spin- the rest of us are a lot smarter that these folks would like to give us credit for.

The political fallout for Governor Doyle continues to grow.

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