Sunday, March 04, 2007

Channel 27's Troha Scoop

I picked up this little tidbit from Jessica McBride's website. Check it out-

27 News has uncovered state officials have spent several years attempting to collect more than $375,000 in unpaid motor fuel taxes from indicted Kenosha businessman Dennis Troha's trucking firms. Three independent sources close to this case confirmed to 27 News, the state's tax collection effort involved a virtually unprecedented trip by a Department of Transportation attorney to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to help trucking firm representatives resolve the portion of the tax debt owed to that state.

Separately, a federal grand jury has charged Troha with fraud for Troha's alleged funneling of money to relatives to skirt limits on campaign contributions and allow them to donate thousands to Governor Doyle's campaign. The alleged fraud took place while Troha was a principal investor in the proposed construction of a casino in Kenosha, which would require ultimate approval from Doyle. Troha's attorney has maintained Troha did nothing illegal.

Records maintained by the Wisconsin State Tax Appeals Commission show representatives of John Houston Corporation & Transport Venture, Auto Truck Transport Corporation, and Unimark Services Incorporated are contesting tax judgments against these Troha firms totalling $377,585. Records show the tax liability involves truck travel in Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania. A compact between states requires the state in which a interstate trucking company is headquartered to collect and distribute tax funds.

Nilsen has not returned a phone call from 27 News.

DOT spokesperson Peg Schmidt told 27 News state officials are reviewing records of the work assignment and state travel associated with it, and could not comment on the rationale for the state's intervention.

A petition by the trucking firms to the Tax Appeals Commission over the state's demand for payment remains pending. Documents show a May 22 telephone conference is expected to involve a resolution of the tax dispute with two of the five states.

Records reviewed by 27 News do no reflect the amount of interest and fines associated with the tax debt of Troha's firms.

The firms' attorney, Margaret Derus, has not returned a call from 27 News.

Why, in heaven's name, would a Wisconsin Department of Transportation employee step into the middle of a dispute between Troha's trucking companies and another state?

Pay for play?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Current head counsel to the Wisconsin DOT? Robert Jambois. What did Mr. Jambois do before this? Kenosha County DA. What did Jambois' wife do? Campaign Mgr for Doyle in Kenosha. Who was the leader of the Pro Casino movement in Kenosha during the referendum? MRS. JAMBOIS!

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