Friday, February 16, 2007

Important Lit Drop this Saturday and Sunday for Jeff Lauer

Jeff Lauer is running for re-election as Village Trustee #3 in Pleasant Prairie

Hello All:

This SATURDAY and SUNDAY, February 17-18 there will be a driving LIT drop for Jeff Lauer, who is running for re-election for Trustee # 3 in the Village of Pleasant Prairie.

Jeff is in a "Primary" and primary voting is next Tuesday, February 20th.

All that is needed is 1 driver and 1 in passenger side to Lit drop into K-news boxes only.

See details below on meeting location for Lit drops:

Saturday, 2/17 10AM Ruffolo's 11820 Sheridan Road (Next to Ray Radigan's)

Sunday, 2/18 1:30PM Ruffolo's 11820 Sheridan Road (Next to Ray Radigan's)

Your help is greatly appreciated.

If you can Lit drop this Saturday and/or Sunday please respond to >>>>

Thank you all. You are the best!

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