Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Due Thursday @ Noon: Responses to Kenosha News Focus Question

I just wanted to give everyone a head's up that your responses to this week's Kenosha News focus question is due in by Thursday at noon.

Let your voices be heard!

This week's Kenosha News question is:

President Bush last week said he will send 21,500 more troops to Iraq, despite the growing unpopularity of the war.

Do you think increasing the commitment of troops to the war in Iraq is a good idea or not?

That will be the topic for Sunday’s Focus Page.

Share your opinion by calling the Kenosha News Focus Line, 656-6205 or (800) 201-6523, or by sending an e-mail to focus@ Please be concise and give your age, gender and town of residence. Responses will be accepted until noon Thursday.

You do not have to give your name, just your age, gender and town of residence.

To those folks that do not live in Kenosha County, the Kenosha News also prints these responses also.

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