Monday, January 08, 2007

Democrat Arenda Troutman, a Chicago Alderman, arrested for accepting a bribe

Tsk, tsk, tsk

More of the Democrat CULTURE OF CORRUPTION!

Criminal complaint: Alderman accepted bribe

Chicago Ald. Arenda Troutman (20th) accepted a bribe from a federal informant who claimed to be working with a developer wishing to do business in her ward during an undercover investigation, according to a criminal complaint unsealed today.

The complaint, which charges Troutman, 49, with one count of bribery, was filed Friday and unsealed today following her arrest, according to Gary Shapiro, first assistant U.S. attorney in Chicago.

Shapiro described the complaint as a "civics lesson" in how Troutman conducts business in the 20th Ward.

"You want the alderman's support, you pay your alderman. You pay Arenda Troutman," Shapiro said at a news conference following her initial court appearance at the Dirksen Building Courthouse.

Troutman appeared this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Mason in U.S. District Court.

She was being released on $10,000 bond, and a preliminary hearing was scheduled for Friday. If convicted, Troutman faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, according to a Justice Department news release.


Oh by the way, Troutman is a pristine Democrat. She even represented the state of Illinois as delegate to the 1996 Democratic National Convention-

In 1992, Alderman Troutman was elected to the unpaid political post of Democratic Committeeman of the 20th Ward. She has since been re-elected to that position twice. In 1996, she was an elected member of the Illinois delegation to the Democratic National Convention.

So because of Troutman's high connections in the Democratic party, does this means that all democrats are criminals?

I don't know.

Somehow the Democrats attach ever single criminal Republican politician to George Bush, so is turnabout fair play?

Since Troutman was a delegate at the 1996 convention, and clearly President Clinton and Hillary were the centerpieces for this convention, obviously the Clinton's were involved.

Sound ridiculous?

It is ridiculous!

By hey, the Democrats created the rules to this game so they have to live by them also.

I demand that the Clinton's be investigated by the FBI and President Bill Clinton should also be impeached!

(Oh wait a minute, look what I found House Brief for Impeachment Trial )

Okay, never mind. It's been done already.

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