Friday, December 29, 2006

ReCall of McGee continues to move forward

It's really hard to keep up with the McGee recall stuff.

An investigation by the DA's office has been opened up in the recall effort. McGee is attempting to use the investigation as a way to block the recall.

However, a judge is allowing the meeting with the city's election committee. The Election committee approval of the signatures collected in the recall effort should take place by next Wednesday.

If you are confused about the recall effort, it is because McGee wants you to be confused. The more confusion he causes the longer he is able to hold off the recall effort.

At the request of the Milwaukee County district attorney's office, a secret John Doe investigation has been launched to look into matters related to the recall effort against Milwaukee Ald. Michael McGee.

The John Doe proceeding allows officials to subpoena witnesses and compel testimony under a judge's supervision. The John Doe was requested Dec. 21 by Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf. It has been assigned to Circuit Judge Jean DiMotto.

Landgraf is assigned to the office's white collar crime unit and is handling the recall-related investigation.

John Doe hearings generally are secret, although judges can open them to the public in some circumstances. In any case, those involved are not allowed to discuss any aspect of the proceedings.

The Journal Sentinel independently confirmed the existence of the John Doe.

The city Election Commission is to meet Tuesday to determine if there are enough valid signatures to force the recall, which would be held in conjunction with the spring elections.

McGee attorney Mike Maistelman went to court late Thursday to attempt to block the meeting, citing the ongoing investigation.

But Chief Judge Kitty Brennan denied Maistelman's request to immediately issue a temporary restraining order to postpone Tuesday's hearing. She ruled that Maistelman failed to show that McGee would suffer irreparable harm if Tuesday's Election Commission meeting proceeds.


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