Saturday, December 23, 2006

An open letter to Falk Co. Management...

I have got to say, that I am not real happy about reading this in today's MJS-

As leaking propane gas pooled into a deadly concentration in a building in the Falk Corp. complex, workers from mechanical contractor J.M. Brennan Inc. assured people around them that they had the situation under control and discouraged the call for an evacuation, a spokesman for Falk said.

This may be true, but I still take issue with this fingerpointing. It was Falk's equipment, Falk's responsibility to maintain the equipment, and Falk's employees lives that were on the line.

It is the sole responsibility of Falk to do whatever they can do to keep their employees safe.

With that being said, still...

Bad things happen to good companies. Every precaution known to man could have been taken and yet, this still could have happened.

I feel bad for the managers and employees of Falk. I am certain that if any one of them had any idea that this was going to happen, they would have done everything in their power to stop it.

It is time to learn from this horrible accident and move on.

During this holiday season and for the next several months, hundreds of employees are counting on Falk managers to learn from this horrible accident and pull the company back together.

Falk's responsibility is to figure out what went wrong and fix the problem. They also have a responsibility to rebuild and get their 700 employees back to work.

This is a tall task for the management team of Falk Co.. But I believe they can do it. This is a strong company with good employees, that has been around for over 150 years. (for a little history lesson on Falk, check out this link.)

After everything that I have read and seen about Falk Co., I guess what I am really trying to say is I believe in the Falk Co..

There will be lawsuits, fines and alot of scrutiny headed Falk's way. This is all unavoidable and a necessary part of the healing and learning process.

This company has survived many wars, the historic depression era, fires and explosions. They can survive this too.

If I had one piece of advice for the Falk Co., it would be turn to their employees and the Wisconsin community. They will help them rebuild.

Even though you cannot bring back the lives that were lost, the employees of Falk Co. and the Wisconsin community can rebuild this company.

To the management team of the Falk Co., let your employees and our Wisconsin community help you build a bigger, stronger, smarter and more successful company.

It's the American way!

We, as Americans, love to build stuff. It is time to do it again.

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