Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Of course Conservatives fear a tax increase

I read an interesting article today from the Washington Times entitled "Conservatives fear tax increase deal".

Well, duh?

My guess is that Democrats are not real thrilled by tax increases either.

I have yet to see candidate, whether Republican or Democrat, who has won by running on a platform that "I will raise your taxes".

Some interesting snippets from the article-

The White House-congressional split highlights a problem that Mr. Bush is likely to face for the next two years: the increasing division between Mr. Bush and his party as he works to find common ground with Democrats and Republicans work to hold the line on tax cuts and other gains they made on the Republican agenda.

Social Security could be the first test. Since November, Mr. Bush has said everything should be on the table in the effort to fix the program's finances -- a statement in sharp contrast to his declaration after the 2004 elections that "We will not raise payroll taxes to solve this problem."

People seem to forget that the conservative party's hero, Ronald Reagan, also raised our taxes. He also raised our taxes on Social Security.

The top Democrats on the House and Senate appropriations committees have promised to keep earmarks out of this year's spending bills until they come up with a reform package that makes the process more transparent.

This weekend, incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, said it will be among their top priorities.

That comes as Democrats have been making headway among voters on spending, according to a Club for Growth poll taken in competitive districts during last month's elections that showed Republicans have "squandered the brand on this," said Patrick J. Toomey, the club's president and a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania.

Mr. Toomey, though, said he doubts Democrats follow through on their pledge.

"Let's remember, this is the party that openly advocates for expanding the size of government and the power of Congress," he said. "I don't see any indication yet of a serious and substantive change in the earmark process. I hope I'm wrong."

Yeah, I am will Mr. Toomey on this. I'll believe it when I see it.

The Democrats can talk a fancy game, but it will be Congressman like Paul Ryan that will push this issue to the forefront.

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