Sunday, November 19, 2006

Kenosha News-The Republican View- 11/18/06

This is the article that I wrote for "The Republican View" column in today's Kenosha News.

Knowing that Kenosha County conservatives would be reading this article, I had two purposes in mind.

First of all, I wanted to thank each and every single volunteer that worked so hard during this election cycle.

Secondly, I wanted to not only acknowledge that we lost nationwide, but also point out the positives that happened here in Kenosha for the conservative voter. There is hope and a future for the conservative voter here in Kenosha and in Wisconsin.

Since there is no way to link to this on the web, here is a copy-

Finally, the elections are over and we can all get back to our normal lives. A life that includes watching TV without nasty political ads and answering our phone without first checking the caller ID.

How easy would it be for conservatives to complain that we lost control of the House and the Senate? However, I am not going to do this. Because of the hard work of many people and the bright future of the conservative movement in Kenosha, it is not right to complain.

There are many wonderful people to thank and to congratulate after this election. Conservatives took positive steps forward during this election cycle in Kenosha.

Let me start first by congratulating the Democrats. They energized their voters.

I also want to say thank you to Brenda Maurer Witthun and Jeffery Kehl, who both ran for office and came up short. Both are incredible people and I had a great time working with both of them. I admire Brenda and Jeff for having the courage to put their names on a ballot and face all of the consequences that comes with doing so.

Congratulations to State Representative Samantha Kerkman, State Representative Thomas Lothian, and State Senator Neal Kedzie for winning their respective elections. All three embrace the values of the people that they represent and easily won re-election because of these values.

We are thrilled that Congressman Ryan is heading back to Washington to continue to fight for our Wisconsin values. Thru all of the difficulties of politics, Congressman Ryan provides steady leadership in the face of a storm.

Now on to the race for Kenosha County Sheriff. Congratulations to Sheriff David Beth! The race turned a little ugly at times and still Sheriff Beth continued to smile throughout the entire process. It was very easy to rally around Sheriff Beth because of his positive attitude and dedication to protecting Kenosha County residents.

Congratulations to the residents of Pleasant Prairie who shot down the three referendums begging them for more money. Pleasant Prairie residents easily recognized that their village leaders have seriously mismanaged their finances. The Village administrators have continued to frivolously spend money and it has become too easy to head back to the taxpayers when they run out of cash. The irresponsible spending habit of Pleasant Prairie administrators has gotten completely out of control. Rightfully so, the village residents said “no more”.

Most importantly, I would like to thank the volunteers that gave so generously of their time. During the weeks and months preceding this election, old friendships were re-kindled and new friendships were born. In the last 5 days of this election cycle, approximately 200 volunteers worked countless hours to move Kenosha in a positive direction. Thank you to every one of these volunteers.

Over the next several weeks and months, the conservative movement in Kenosha will move forward. We are stronger and wiser than we have ever been.

Together we have learned to celebrate the victories and survive the defeats.

Thank you everyone!

Kathy Carpenter
President Kenosha County Republican Women

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