Thursday, November 16, 2006

The General is in charge

Like it or not- the General is in charge of the war in Iraq. Both Republican and Democratic leaders demanded a change in Iraq.

Republicans want to increase the amount of troops in Iraq and finish this once and for all.

The Democrats want to run away-

Congress remains sharply divided over U.S. policy in Iraq, casting doubt on plans by leading senators to make a bipartisan recommendation to President Bush by January.
In the first hearing on Iraq since the Nov. 7 elections where Democrats won control of Congress, a top Army general swatted down both Democratic and Republican proposals to change course in Iraq.
Gen. John Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said Wednesday the number of troops deployed to Iraq should not increased or decreased sharply. Instead, the United States should focus on accelerating the training of Iraqi forces so they can be pushed front and center into battle, he said.
"Our troop posture needs to stay where it is," Abizaid said.


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