Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Uh Oh- McGee/Jackson to be recalled?

Apparently a woman has filed a petition to recall goofball Milwaukee alderman McGee/Jackson.

First of all- it's about time.

However, not much seems to be known about this woman, so it is hard to say whether or not she would be a better alternative.

Either way, someone in this community has got to step up and get McGee/Jackson out of office.

A Milwaukee woman has launched a recall drive against controversial Ald. Michael McGee.

ViAnna Jordan filed papers earlier this month in a bid to force a recall election, Sue Edman, executive director of the city Election Commission, confirmed today.

The Oct. 3 filing started a 60-day clock for Jordan and her supporters to gather at least 1,620 signatures on petitions demanding a recall of the alderman, whose north side district includes the Riverwest and Brewers Hill neighborhoods. She lists herself on the papers as the candidate who would oppose McGee in the recall.

Jordan named her recall committee "Friends to Recall Ald. Michael McGee Jr./Jackson," a reference to this spring's revelation that McGee's legal name is actually Jackson, although he has been known as McGee his whole life.

Among the reasons she lists for the recall are "fraudulent use of alias names to avoid responsibility for accident damages," referring to the discovery that McGee held driver's licenses under both names, and other well-known incidents, such as arrests for disorderly conduct, perjury allegations in a trial involving the mother of his child and alleged slurs against gays. Other reasons are more general, such as "has become an embarrassment to our community."

Edman said Jordan complained that she was being harassed by McGee supporters who were following her around and telling voters not to back the recall. The elections chief said she referred Jordan to police, who later called Edman to follow up on the complaint. Police could not immediately confirm their involvement.

Jordan did not return calls seeking comment. Her campaign treasurer, Deonna Johnson, referred questions to Jordan. McGee said he was aware of the recall but declined to comment further.

If Jordan files a sufficient number of signatures, the Election Commission would decide whether they are valid, and McGee could challenge their validity. If authorities decide the recall has the minimum number of valid signatures, an election would be scheduled for six weeks later, probably in early 2007. The winner would serve until McGee's regular term expires in spring 2008.

A 2004 obituary for Jordan's father, longtime city public works employee Robert Jordan, said ViAnna Jordan served in the U.S. Army.

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