Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Phone bank Kenosha County Wednesday Night Oct. 11th

We are thrilled to announce that

Milwaukee County Executive
Scott Walker

is coming to Kenosha on Wed., Oct. 11,
to promote Mark Green
and all of our Republican candidates
at our weekly Wednesday
phone bank operation.
Location: 1 Month Realty, 2801 Roosevelt Rd.
Time: 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Details: Below!

Our phone bank this week will have a new look;
So please note the details in your appointment book.
We have some news we are happy to report:
Scott Walker is coming to lend his support!
The location is different, so please note the change:
We'll be at 1 Month Realty, which is right in our range.
Diana and Ron Dahlberg are our gracious hosts, whom we thank,
For offering their realty office for this week's phone bank.

2801 Roosevelt Road will be the phone bank address;
From our Kenosha GOP HQ go east on 60th Street, we sugges'.
On 30th Avenue make a turn south (to the right);
Continue until Roosevelt Road where there's a stoplight.
Go a couple blocks left (east) and you can disembark;
There should be enough places nearby to park.
We ask that about 5:30 PM you arrive.
That will give us time to set up our phone bank drive.

We will serve pizza and soft drinks for those making calls;
Our phoning will take place in the office space and halls.
We know you'll respect the office we borrow;
So it'll be back in good shape for the 'morrow.
Inside the office for our callers will be a sign-in book;
We need you to sign it--so for it please look!

Some office land phones we'll be able to use
To supplement our cell phones--that's really good news!
But we still may be short, so if you could use your own cell,
Please bring it, by all means--that would do us well!
We hope that we have the space that we need;
We will use party HQ if our max we exceed.

There is a limit to the numbers that we can seat;
So priority is for callers--we've a quota to meet.
The callers will be bunched--it may be quite hard to hear;
So we need to maintain a quiet atmosphere.
We really need your help with this major event;
Any disruptions from our goal please help us prevent.

We thank Scott Walker and his staff for their generous offer;
Our sincerest gratitude we humbly do proffer.
We are grateful, in particular, to our friend, Joe Fadness;
For this boost to Mark's campaign we respond with gladness.
Our goal is to beat back the Doyle machine;
We need your help to elect Mark Green

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