Monday, October 16, 2006

"No fair, no fair" cries the Justice department

This is it? This is all they have?

The Justice Department is stating- "No fair, no fair, Mark Green waited a month before petitioning the Supreme Court."

The only thing the Justice Department could come up with is that this should not be considered an "emergency".

Worse yet, those fancy lawyers from the Justice Department cannot count. The judge ruled against Mark Green on September 25. Mark Green's campaign filed their petition with the high court on October 11. No matter how a person may add and subtract that only amounts to 15 days, not a month.

State Justice Department lawyers today asked the state Supreme Court to reject the emergency appeal of Mark Green, the Republican candidate for governor who is fighting an Elections Board order that his campaign give up $467,844 in donations.

Meeting a noon deadline to respond to Green's appeal, Justice Department officials filed a legal brief that accused Green's campaign of "manufacturing" a crisis by saying its rights are being violated by not being able to use the $467,844. The campaign has placed that money in a separate fund, pending the appeal.

Green's campaign "cannot assert that this matter is urgent when they waited more than a month to petition the court" to step into the controversy, Justice Department lawyers told the court.

Justice Department lawyers also said Green's campaign decided to ask the seven-member court to rule before the Nov. 7 election "only after they lost" an appeal in Dane County Circuit Court.

Green could have appealed to the high court days after receiving the official Elections Board order of Aug. 30, but did not do so until last week, the lawyers added.

The Elections Board told Green, a member of the U.S. House, to give up $467,844 in donations from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin. The money was part of almost $1.3 million Green transferred from his congressional campaign fund to his state fund to start in run for governor in January 2005.

What is wrong with the Justice Department? Are they just mad because the Supreme Court gave them a deadline?

1 comment:

Kate said...

The lack of ability to do simple math is due to the lack of funds in the public school system....didn't you know that? :)

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