Friday, October 06, 2006

MJS whining?

Is it just me, or does the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel seem to be whining in this so-called article?

Both campaigns maintain limited access to the candidates; both loathe veering from preset themes of the day; both have even stopped releasing daily schedules of events where the candidates will appear. They frequently walk past or ignore reporters, leaving aides to answer questions and claim the candidates are too busy to respond.

Yet both become almost instantly accessible if they can talk strictly about a subject the candidate feels is a winner, or if there is a chance they can sling some dirt at their opponent.
Case in point: After the first candidates debate, Green walked away from reporters pressing him for details on just how he thinks he would fix the state budget deficit. But when his campaign manager heard that one of the questions was about property taxes - an issue Green has used against Doyle - the aide tugged at Green's sleeve and brought him back to answer that one question.

In the same vein, on the day the State Elections Board ordered Green's campaign to divest itself of $467,844 from out-of-state political action committees, he was "unavailable." But when a former state purchasing supervisor was sentenced to prison for steering a travel contract to a company with two executives who had given $10,000 each to Doyle's campaign, Green quickly and personally returned a reporter's call to offer his reaction, calling it a "sad day for Wisconsin."

As for Doyle, after a recent news conference in Madison on his proposal for a tax break for health care premiums, his driver attempted to leave by driving down a recreational pathway to avoid reporters' questions. When a moped blocked the SUV's path, Doyle had to be driven past reporters still holding tape recorders and notebooks, waiting.

Later, a Doyle aide said it was all a misunderstanding, and the governor thought the reporters didn't have any questions not related to his proposal.

Perhaps it is the lynch mob mentality of the media that makes politicians go out of their way to avoid them.

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