Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Crime is on the rise

Yet, MJS has decided that Dolye is tougher on crime than Mark Green. There #1 reason for supporting Doyle over Green?

Conceal and carry!

But the state's top executive must be more than just tough. He must be smart. Our review of the record suggests that Doyle is both tougher and smarter than Green on crime and that in one critical area, Green is too soft. We base this on his views on guns.

Green faults Doyle for Wisconsin's rising rate of violent crime, particularly in Milwaukee. According to FBI data, the state rate fell by 2% in 2003 from the previous year and by 5% in 2004 and then rose sharply, by 15%, in 2005. The corresponding Milwaukee rate fluctuated more dramatically, falling by 7% and 12% and then soaring by 31% - worrisome, indeed. Though it wasn't as steep as here, an uptick took place throughout the nation in 2005 - suggesting the causes may transcend state borders.

On one important issue - guns - Doyle is head and shoulders above Green. Through his veto power, Doyle kept Wisconsin from adopting a misguided concealed-carry law. There are already too many guns out there, and there are some places they should never be, concealed or not. Green, in contrast, backs a concealed-carry law.

Here is how MJS feels about conceal and carry-

On one important issue - guns - Doyle is head and shoulders above Green. Through his veto power, Doyle kept Wisconsin from adopting a misguided concealed-carry law. There are already too many guns out there, and there are some places they should never be, concealed or not. Green, in contrast, backs a concealed-carry law.

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