Thursday, October 19, 2006

Are you ready to rumble?

I am certain most folks know that tomorrow night is the third and final televised debate between Mark Green and Gov. Jim Doyle.

The Racine County Republicans have extended an invitation to the surrounding counties to join them at their offices to watch this debate.

This last debate may turn out to be pretty eventful in Racine.

The Democrats have also scheduled a debate party at the bar right next door to the Racine campaign offices. Basically there is only a wall seperating the parties.

I will be live blogging this debate from Racine. If there are any extra curricular activities taking place, I will be live blogging that also.

As I am logged on and blogging this event, I will be asking others at the party to post their own thoughts and impressions about the debate.

This could get interesting or it could just be a boring debate! We'll see!

Click on photo to enlarge for details-

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