Saturday, September 23, 2006

What does a teacher have to do to actually be fired from their job?

I did not know it was even possible to fire a teacher anymore.

Apparently, the Cedarburg school board is trying to do just that. They are attempting to fire a school teacher for viewing pornograghy on the school's computer.

I have a question- If anyone of us regular smucks were using our work computers to view pornograghy, would we be fired?



The School Board decided today to go to court in an attempt to keep out of the classroom a fired high school teacher who admitted viewing pornography on his school computer.

The 7-0 vote at a special meeting directs attorneys for the School District to ask an Ozaukee County Circuit Court to overturn an arbitrator's decision on science teacher Robert Zellner. The School Board fired Zellner in January and he appealed. Last week, an arbitrator ruled that Zellner should be disciplined but not fired and ordered that he be given his job back.

It is still possible that a court fight could be avoided, because the board's vote also direct its attorneys to try and reach a settlement with Zellner.

Zellner's lawyer, Jina Jonen, said he would consider settlement offers.

She also warned that the School District could be ordered to pay Zellner back pay plus 12% interest if its court fight is determined to be frivolous.

The School Board's action does not rule out the possibility of Zellner being rehired in a different position. But School Board President John Pendergast said "99 percent" of the Cedarburg community does not want Zellner back in the classroom. "We have an obligation to carry out what the public wants," he said.

More than 100 people attended the special meeting. Most who spoke said they don't want Zellner, an 11-year teacher at the high school, back in the classroom.

1 comment:

jeff said...

I agree that the guy should never teach again and look forward to hearing that the Ozaukee Circuit Court agrees.

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