Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday night Green phone banks

From Tom De Fazio, Green team phone bank coordinator-

The first debate is over--and we should be gratified;
Mark Green did very well--but we must not be satisfied;
There's more work to do, more phone calls to voters;
We must continue to be the top GOP promoters!

Wed. night remains our organized phone bank time,
And this is the main topic of our weekly rhyme.
But you can make calls (at our office or at home) on your own,
Just use the script and some lists with a cell phone.

If you can come Wednesday, 5 to 8:30, please do,
For as long as you can, join our friendly phone crew;
Come for a snack or come for a dinner;
We need your calls badly--our troop numbers are thinner!

With over 1300 calls our goal for just this week;
Your continued or new help is what we seek.
A ticket in the 2-week drawing for each 100 calls;
A Reagan DVD movie set to the winner befalls.

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