Monday, September 25, 2006

Stupid question

Stupid question here- Does anyone actually know what our real state election laws are or the State Elections board just "winging" it? Apparently they had no idea of an actual rule that Mark Green did not follow, so they made up their own "Mark Green" rule, when they really didn't have to.

On top of that, Jim Doyle's campaign was manipulating the State Elections board for the outcome that he wanted. Of course, other investigations are going on with the manipulation of the State Elections board.

3 things have come to light with this mess.

1. The State Elections board members are clearly suseptible to manipulation and are by no means bi-partisan.

2. The State Elections board members do not actually know the state elections laws. They actually wrote their own rule to get Mark Green, even though there may have been a rule already on the books.

3. Jim Doyle will tell any lie and manipulate any person he can to win this election.

MJS Daywatch

Madison - A Dane County judge ruled today that the state Elections Board legally ordered Mark Green's campaign for governor to divest itself of $467,844 in out-of-state donations - a decision the Republican said he will immediately appeal.Green campaign manager Mark Graul said the campaign will try to appeal directly to the state Supreme Court in the hopes of getting a decision before the Nov. 7 election. But the campaign will also move $467,844 into a separate fund, in case the campaign loses the appeal, Graul said.Today's decision by Dane County Circuit Judge Richard Niess was the second straight setback on the issue for Green, who as a member of the U.S. House legally accepted the $467,844 from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin.That amount was part of $1.3 million he moved from his federal campaign fund to his state account on Jan. 25, 2005 - one day before the state Elections Board implemented a rule saying only PACs registered in Wisconsin can donate to campaigns for governor. The board voted Aug. 30 to enforce the rule - an order Green's lawyers asked Niess to block with an injunction.But Niess ruled that the Republican "can demonstrate neither irreparable injury if the injunction does not issue, nor a reasonable probability of ultimate success on the merits of its case."

Niess was appointed by Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle.

On Thursday, Niess told lawyers for both sides that the dispute was a "largely uncharted" legal question in Wisconsin, so he would rule quickly to allow the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court to quickly get the case.Green's lawyers had argued that three similar transfers of campaign balances from federal to state accounts had been allowed in the past and that Democratic members of the board ignored those precedents to retroactively apply the new rule to Green.But state Justice Department lawyers, representing the Elections Board, argued that Green's entire transfer of $1.3 million broke both federal and state laws. The Elections Board was only legally trying to enforce its rule against transfer of the $467,844 from out-of-state political action committees, Justice Department lawyers said.In addition, the state lawyers said the current Elections Board is not bound by decisions of previous boards.

1 comment:

steveegg said...

To answer your question; Wisconsin election law is whatever Team Craps decides it is, irregardless of whatever it was at any previous point and irregardless of the state Constitution's prohibition of ex post facto laws.

To further answer the questions, the status of Wisconsin election law on January 25, 2005 was that Green's campaign could legally be converted from a federal campaign to a state one. An emergency rule adopted the next day (the one that is the subject of the "S"EB's enforcement order) did not legally go into effect until February 3, 2005 (the date it was published), and it expired by state law on July 3, 2005. A further rule change prohibiting the conversion of a federal campaign into a state campaign didn't take effect until December 1, 2005.

What it is now is that Team Craps can execute Grand Theft Courts on the Green campaign's finances, and the only thing we can do about it is to oust the members of Team Craps that are up for election on November 7, namely Jim "Craps" Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) and Kathleen Falk (the official whitewasher of Team Craps), by voting for Mark Green and JB Van Hollen.

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