Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Phone banks tonight

Message from Tom De Fazio, Green team phone bank coordinator-

Now that we're done with the primary season,
We must work extra hard for a very good reason.
Our mission is victory, let us remember;
The phone calls we make now will pay off in November.
Armed with a phone script with a new theme;
We aim to thwart the Dems and their dastardly scheme.
We'll have Luigi's Mojos and pizza for any hungry creature
But a dessert from Marie will be our main feature.
We start at zero and need 1305 calls this week;
Come for as long as you can--lots of calls we seek!
We start a new 2-week drawing for a Reagan DVD set;
For each 100 calls, a slip in the bag you will get.

Phone banks are located at the GOP offices, 4103 60th Street. Time is 5:00 to 8:30 pm.

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