Monday, September 04, 2006

My condolences to my friend Kate

I wanted to take a moment and express my condolences to my friend Kate.

Kate recently lost her mother in law to cancer. Kate's Blog- Ol' Broad's Rambling

Kate and I met about a year and a half ago at WFRW convention. Long before the blogger bug bit both of us, it was easy to see the similarities between the two of us, and we became fast friends. Perhaps it is the fact that both of us grew up in Texas. You know what they say- "you can take a girl out of Texas, but you can never take the Texas out of the girl."

My prayers will continue to be with Kate and her family during this trying time.


BBG said...

Kate please add my prayers to you and your family on your loss.

Kate said...

Wow, I just saw this tonight. Thank you so much Kathy, and Bob. It's been a tough time, but I still have my "attitude". So I'll make sure my husband is going to be ok (I can still make him laugh), and of course, nothing will keep me down for long. :)

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