Monday, September 04, 2006

Missile fired at McCain escort helicopter

Happened in the Republic of Georgia.

A missile was fired at a helicopter escorting Sen. John McCain during a visit to the Republic of Georgia last week.

A statement from that nation’s interior ministry says the surface-to-air missile was aimed at a chopper involved in a visit of a U.S. Senate delegation to the former Soviet republic. McCain was mentioned as the leader of the group.

The ministry statement claims American officials were notified of the incident. State Dept. spokeswoman Joanne Moore told the Associated Press she had no information about the reported attack.

The president of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, is a strong ally of the U.S. He is also trying to re-establish control over two regions of the country trying to break away from the central government.

Word of this missile launch was made as part of a statement about a Sunday attack on a helicopter carrying Georgia’s defense minister. His aircraft was damaged by large-caliber machine gun fire and forced to make an emergency landing. No one was injured.


Josh Schroeder said...

I don't want to sound like Kevin Barrett, but I'm taking this story with a grain of salt. That's all I'm saying.

K. Carpenter said...

People thought the hand grenade tossed at the President when he was in Republic of Georgia was fake, turned out it was not. Someone actually tried to kill the President.

We will see.

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