Saturday, September 09, 2006

A little honesty?

I was reading thru the Journal Sentinel's "All Politics Watch", I was happy to see that some accurate reporting was being done by the JS.

They are actually defending Mark Green.

Check it out

Madison - Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Green went to court today to try to block a state Elections Board order that his campaign give up $467,844 in donations from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin.

It was unclear whether the court fight will end by the Nov. 7 election, when Green faces off with Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle. Attorneys for both Green and the Elections Board could appeal any ruling from Dane County Circuit Court. That could keep the matter in court for weeks, or months.

The Elections Board on Aug. 30 ordered Green - a member of the U.S. House - to return the PAC money. This week, the board gave Green formal notice that he had 10 days to rid his campaign of the money.Green's campaign sued to block the Elections Board's enforcement of a rule it adopted in January 2005, one day after Green began his run for governor by transferring almost $1.3 million from his congressional campaign fund to his state account.

Included in the $1.3 million was the $467,844 in donations from out-of-state political action committees - cash that was legally given to Green as a member of Congress. But the money violated the Elections Board rule that says money spent on campaigns for governor must come from groups registered in Wisconsin.

In his lawsuit, filed by Madison lawyer and former Elections Board Chairman Don Millis, Green says four Democrats and one Libertarian Party members of the board targeted him illegally and unfairly when they voted to enforce the new rule.

Three previous similar transfers - including one in 2001 by now-Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett - were allowed, the suit claims. Barrett was allowed the transfer when he ran for governor.

Here is another one-

In a West Allis press conference today, leaders of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin said they are afraid the plan of Mark Green, the Republican candidate for governor, to control property taxes and government spending would threaten emergency fire-fighting and EMS services.

The group issued this press release.

But you may want to take any comments by the Fire Fighters group about Green with a grain of salt, or even a salt shaker. The group's president is Rick Gale, and his spouse, Karin Gale, is Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle's campaign treasurer.

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