Sunday, September 17, 2006

Do our enemies prefer us weak or strong?

I was reading an article by Adam Brodsky of the New York Post a few minutes ago that asks the question:

Do our enemies prefer us weak or strong?

You would think that this question would be easy enough to answer, right?

Apparently there is no easy answer for the Democrats. If you have been watching the Democrats for the last 5 years since 9/11, clearly you can tell they are struggling with the answer to this question. The Democrats are literally all over the map when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

The struggle to answer this question is highlighted in the article:

WHEN President Bush said the War on Terror would be difficult, he wasn't kidding: Ever since the invasion of Iraq, critics have said our pectoral-flexing has enraged our enemies and given them a new recruiting tool. But they also said Israel's weak showing in the Lebanon war encouraged Hezbollah terrorists and those who might join them; the war proved Israel can be beaten, and that created a new recruiting tool for terrorists.

I would love for someone like Ted Kennedy or John Kerry to point blank answer this question.

Mr Brodsky appears to have found the Democrat's answer for them:

talk a good game, but do little

Mr. Brodsky also makes a very good point:

In waging war, the United States theoretically can make two possible mistakes: It can fight too aggressively - or not aggressively enough.

The question for America now becomes:

During this war on terror, would you rather make the mistake of being too aggressive or make the mistake of not being aggressive enough?

We know how the media would answer this question judging by this article released by AP a little over an hour ago. The media believe we are being too aggressive.

We have listened to the Democrats talk for over 3 years about Abu Ghraib and the war in Iraq. Clearly they too believe we are being too aggressive.

We know the President would prefer to make the mistake of being too aggresive than to continue on the path of the pre-9/11 mindset.

But what about the rest of us? What do you believe?

During this war on terror, would you rather make the mistake of being too aggressive or make the mistake of not being aggressive enough?

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