Friday, September 08, 2006

Democrats block wiretapping bill

Instead of having the courage to go on record about wiretapping terrorists, the Democrats in the Senate blocked the bill.

After demanding more accountability for the wiretapping programs, the Democrats could not even find the courage to vote on a new bill that would provide more accountability.

Perhaps someone in the Democratic party can get thru to the leadership in their own party about national security.

The reason the Democrats look week on national security issues, is because they are acting week on national security issues.

Washington Times-

President Bush yesterday said the courts are threatening his wiretapping program and called on Congress to pass a law to put the program on sounder footing, but one hour later Senate Democrats blocked an effort to do just that.

Mr. Bush, speaking in Atlanta as part of a series of war-on-terror speeches, said his administration has made substantial progress in correcting the mistakes that allowed the September 11 terrorist attacks to happen. Delivering a five-year anniversary report card, the president said the nation boosted domestic security and disrupted terrorist plots through better intelligence and military action abroad.

"We've learned the lessons of September the 11th. We're changing how people can work together. We're modernizing the system. We're working to connect the dots to stop the terrorists from hurting America again," Mr. Bush said.

But the president said a federal court in Michigan has jeopardized a key tool, the terrorist surveillance program, which allows the government to listen to phone calls between the U.S. and overseas without a warrant. Mr. Bush said he expects the ruling to be overturned, but wants action from Congress to protect the program.

"A series of protracted legal challenges would put a heavy burden on this critical and vital program," the president said. "The surest way to keep the program is to get explicit approval from the United States Congress."

But during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting yesterday, Democrats blocked consideration of such a bill. Sen. Russ Feingold, Wisconsin Democrat, likened the bill to a "rubber stamp" by authorizing almost everything the administration requested.

"The president has basically said: I'll agree to let a court decide if I'm breaking the law if you pass a law first that says I'm not breaking the law," Mr. Feingold said.

Democrats then invoked a parliamentary rule forcing the committee to disband for the day and blocking further action on the bill.

Chairman Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican who has said publicly the program should be more closely monitored by Congress and the courts, accused Democrats on his committee of filibustering the bill.

"We have seen the incipient stage of filibuster by amendment," he said during one pointed exchange. "Filibuster by speech, filibuster by amendment. Obstructionism."



Anonymous said...


The reason this is being blocked in committee is easy to explain. First, Arlan Spector is an incompetent RINO, second the names of Democrats on the Committee. They are led by our own Russ Fiengold (C WI) The "C" stands for commie.

jeff said...

The reality on Russ is that he is still trying to portray the 'maverick' for those who would support him for President. He is not battling the bill because he is a 'commie' but because he is an 'opportunist'.

As for Sen. Spector, you are violating the 11th Commandment(Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican). You can be a loyal Republican and not always be in lockstep with the Party. Or have we become so intolerant that minority opinions arent welcome?!! Have we become DEMOCRATS??????

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