Tuesday, September 19, 2006

31 press releases?

Clearly, the Doyle camp must have been freaking out about something during and after Friday night's debate.

In a complete and utter panic, they dumped 31 press releases to the media after the debate.

31 press releases in three hours!


From MJS- All Politics Watch

In the war of press releases, Gov. Jim Doyle was the clear winner of Friday night's debate.

The Democratic governor's campaign issued seven press releases while Doyle and Republican challenger Mark Green debated. Afterward, the campaign issued two more, and Assembly and Senate Democrats put out an additional 20 releases. They were joined by a release from the state Democratic Party and Democratic Senate candidate Pat Kreitlow. In total, Doyle and his allies released 31 statements between 7:15 and 10:07 p.m. Friday.

That's 10 times as many as those released by supporters of Green, a U.S. representative from Green Bay. Green's campaign issued one release, and the state Republican Party put out two.

Obviously, the Democratic establishment in the state of Wisconsin was desperately trying to fix some of the major mistakes Governor Doyle made during the debate.

IMO, the biggest mistake that Governor Doyle had the night of the debate- he is pinning his entire re-election on WEAC and the educational system in this state.Governor Doyle made it perfectly clear during Friday night's debate, that he will sacrifice everyone (including Wisconsin's seniors) and everything (even if it raising means taxes and raiding other state programs) and hand that money over to WEAC.

Unfortunately, for Governor Doyle, Wisconsin schools are failing. Teachers are angry, school administrators are angry and the taxpayers are angry over the continuous failing school systems in our state.

I am all for giving our students every tool necessary to succeed in life. However, I want to see positive results. Anyone paying attention over the last few years realize that the taxpayers in Wisconsin are not getting the positive results we are paying to get.


Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, for Governor Doyle, Wisconsin schools are failing. Teachers are angry, school administrators are angry and the taxpayers are angry over the continuous failing school systems in our state."

What are you smoking? Outside Milwaukee Public Schools, the citizenry is generally happy with the education offered by public school districts in the state. In those communities where there is dissatisfaction, school board members are "rolled" at the next election.

The Governor's Budget veto prevented the Republican legislature from forcing school districts to cut around $400 million at the last minute from their 2005-2006 school budgets. Had the Governor signed the Republican budget into law, there would have been chaos since the Budget passed long after the deadline for issuing layoff notices to represented staff. Since labor costs represent roughly 85% of a school district's budget, where would the required cuts have come from.

You should think before you pound the keyboard -- if you are capable of doing so.

atarijpb said...

"I am all for giving our students every tool necessary to succeed in life. However, I want to see positive results."

Please define. What does this mean? Please be specific - I'd be curious to see where the current administration stacks up vs. Green's plans. Thanks!

K. Carpenter said...

Anonymous and Mystified- show me where Republicans cut the educational budget by $400 million.

Jim Doyle proposed a $500 million INCREASE in the 2005-2007 budget.

The legislature proposed a $100 million INCREASE in education in the 2005-2007 budget.

Only Jim Doyle and Doyle supporters actually believe a $100 million INCREASE in education proposed by the legislature is actually a budget cut.


Hopefully neither of you are teachers.


Don't believe me? As Jim Doyle said several times during the debate- "look it up!"

Jim Doyle needs to stop with the lies!

Anonymous said...

Latest data from the Dept. of Education: Wisconsin spends over $9,000 per student or #12 out of 50 states plus DC. That compares to 26th in population, 28 in household income and 32 in college graduates. 32 in college grads? I guess that means that spending isn't helping our state any. Could it be the brutal taxes driving them away.

The problem is not more money for the WEAC Union thugs, it is spending it in the right places (Choice and Charter Schools for example). Too bad some of the lefty morons can't quite get the real facts and not just repeat Union dictates.

Anonymous said...

Republicans increased school spending by $458 million - more than DPI asked for

total spending over two years would be about $11 billion

only in Jim Doyle's world is that a cut...then again, he says there is no deficit either...and that he's not dirty

doyle has a credibility problem that would make OJ cringe

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