Monday, December 04, 2006

Not a peep out of Kenosha County

Local government's all over Wisconsin are having to defend the sizes of their county government.

Groups fight to shrink boards

Efforts to cut the size of county government in Wisconsin are continuing to ignite political battles, including one that seeks a county board chairman's ouster and another that has led to a court fight.

However, here in Kenosha- not a peep.


jeff said...

Actually Jennifer Jackson, County Supervisor District 20, was looking at the issue. She was in the paper and at the Labor Roundtable Breakfasts soliciting ideas from Kenosha County residents 2 or 3 months ago.

Even though you may not like it, the KNews on occassion does actually have something important in it.

K. Carpenter said...

Sure, Jeff. If you say so.

jeff said...


If you dont believe me, check with the lady yourself. I submitted my suggestions to her back when the issue was hot--about the time Waukesha was considering their changes earlier this year.

K. Carpenter said...

Ya know Jeff- everyday you insult me and disagree with me on my own blog. The one day I poke fun at you, you get upset.

I'm just teasing you.

jeff said...

I disagree with you; I never insult. Insulting during political discussion is a dog that doesnt hunt with me.

If I had been upset with you, I wouldnt have used 'whatever'. I have a multilingual list of words that I would have used if I would have been upset with you.

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