Saturday, November 18, 2006

How is it possible?

How is it possible that once again, an investigation has been launched, and Marvin Pratt is right in the middle of it?


The U.S. attorney in Milwaukee has launched an investigation into the improper distribution of $300,000 worth of settlement money in a landmark redlining case.

According to court documents, trustee Harold B. Jackson wrote checks to himself and others without authorization. Among those who received checks were former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt and longtime NAACP President Felmers Chaney, who each were paid $60,000 earlier this year.


I am not accusing Marvin Pratt of doing anything wrong in this case. I do not know this to be a fact.

It just seems so wierd that every time we hear about Marvin Pratt, he is in the middle of some type of wrong doing.

Once again, I am not saying Marvin Pratt did anything wrong. However, if a $60,000 check showed up at my house, out of the clear blue, I would be asking some serious questions.


jeff said...

I would look at the wording on your last paragraph. It makes it look like Marvin Pratt received a $60,000 check. He did not; another person did according to the story. I know you didnt mean it that way but you really should check it.

K. Carpenter said...

Actually, according to the article- Pratt did receive a $60,000 check...

"Among those who received checks were former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt and longtime NAACP President Felmers Chaney, who each were paid $60,000 earlier this year."

"In addition to Pratt and Chaney, three other people got checks for $60,000, according to court records."

jeff said...

I reread the article again and you appear to be right.

My next questions would be: And? You dont accuse the former Mayor of any wrong doing yet you imply it by saying he is in the middle of another investigation. By this standard, Karl Rove would be in deep trouble with his being in the middle of a few investigations in his time.

With all the corruption we know exists and the crimes we know other politicians have committed, where is the beef of your blog? The only other crime situation I can remember Marvin Pratt being anyway connected to is that his son was one of the tire vandals in November 2004. Did I miss other instances?

By coincidence, I had the opportunity to meet former Mayor Pratt yesterday. While we disagree on the how's of solving a number of issues, I found him to be a very decent, thoughtful individual dedicated to public service.

You would think with the other important issues of the day, you could have found something with more substance to discuss.

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