Tuesday, November 14, 2006

He did it again

He did it again. He vetoed the Milwaukee County Board budget.

Milwaukee County executive went and protected the tax payers again by vetoing the tax increases proposed by the Milwaukee County supervisors.

As usual, this entire issue comes down to the taxpayers vs. the government. It is good a government official standing up for the taxpayer.

Good job, Scott Walker!

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will veto the entire County Board-approved budget today, contending it overtaxes, overspends and ignores efficiency proposals that could help bail county government out of a looming fiscal crisis.

The unusual and unexpected move apparently will force an up-or-down vote Wednesday that would either leave the board's budget totally intact or force Walker and supervisors to cobble together an alternative spending plan in a few short weeks.

Walker said he took the dramatic step in large part because of County Board budget amendments that restored - with only partial funding - county jobs that he wanted to privatize. That creates a potential $6.5 million shortfall that would force him, Walker believes, to initiate emergency layoffs early in 2007

"This is about protecting the long-term financial security of Milwaukee County," said Walker, also citing the board's decision to delay conceptual approval of his $450 million borrowing plan that in theory could save on pension costs over 30 years.

In a veto message sure to rile supervisors, Walker charged that the County Board was, in effect, acting to "ratify" the controversial 2001 pension-enhancement deal by using tax increases to pay pension benefits rather than approving cost-saving measures and ending duplication of services.

The board is set to meet Wednesday afternoon in a veto session.

Last week, supervisors restored dozens of cuts Walker had proposed in funding for parks, the district attorney's office, sheriff's department, courts and social services. Supervisors soundly rejected nearly all his outsourcing plans. They reversed his decision to greatly reduce the number of county-run pools. Walker says the county has more than enough pools and must modernize the aquatics system so it pays for itself.

By a 14-5 vote, supervisors approved a $1.28 billion budget that added $8.4 million to Walker's zero-levy increase, a 3.6% tax increase. Supervisors said they were protecting safety net and quality of life services and filling holes in a Walker budget plan they saw as unrealistic.

Some key supervisors have accused Walker of overstating the county's financial problems.


I would like to know exactly which county supervisors are actually stating that the county's financial problems are no big deal.

Hmm... I wonder if MJS will give us this info????


Patrick from Badger Blogger sent these links-

You can watch Scott Walker make his veto announcement here.

You might also be interested in board chairman Lee Holloway's comments... The man is clueless.

If you are looking for a list of those that voted to raise our taxes, I have the list here.


Patrick said...

You can watch Scott Walker make his veto announcement here.

You might also be interested in board chairman Lee Holloway's comments... The man is clueless.

If you are looking for a list of those that voted to raise our taxes, I have the list here.

Geeze, I feel like a spammer with all of these links to my own site...

K. Carpenter said...

Thanks Patrick

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