Saturday, October 21, 2006

Debate Roundup

For more extensive debate coverage, follow the links-

Live blogging-

Fred at Real Debate Wisconsin

Brian at Fraley's Dailytakes

Owen at Boots and Sabers

Extended coverage

Sean at The American mind

Patrick at Badger Blogger

James at Wigderson's Library and Pub

1 comment:

Bill Garnett said...

I think it is encouraging to see citizens becoming more involved in politics - as your blog shows.

However, I am also concerned about the growing trend of religion crossing over into government, and the increased polarization between liberal and conservative viewpoints. I think America would be better off if religion were kept of of politics, and if we, as a nation, were to look more to moderation, shared values, and a common understanding and focus on the problems we all face.

Too many blogs are merely echo chambers – echoing a closed viewpoint and hardly adding at all to ideas, facts, or solutions. I hope yours is a net contribution and not merely a contribution to our already divided national psyche.

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